👨🏽💻 by Harith Onigemo on January 18, 2024
Week 13 blog, I talked about what we did in class and my project update.
This week, Mrs Fehmida and Mr Roshan introduced us to the module and gave us some vital information on research ethics and how it affects our project.
They informed us about the university’s commitment to maintaining high standards of ethics in research. Ms Fehmida explained the significance of maintaining high research ethics and when to consider research ethics and provided materials to assist us in practising high research ethics.
Research ethics are essential if our project requires extra Human involvement, Experiments on Animals, etc.
Mr Roshan then explained the task for the week by introducing us to a first-cut proposal template. We had to fill out the template with the aim, objectives, and project scope to explain our project to our supervisors better. You can find the link to my first cut proposal here.
After the class, Mr Roshan sent our assigned supervisors to our emails and instructed us to email them for a first meeting. You can check my updates from my supervisor meetings by clicking on the “meeting with supervisor” link.
This week, I finished work on my blog and started brainstorming project ideas for my final year project. I presented all my ideas to my supervisor for feedback, but I will keep thinking of new project ideas.